Our Extended Service provision provides a safe and fun environment where children are happy and receive stimulation levelled at their age and development. Children are supervised by qualified and experienced staff at all times.


Breakfast Club offers a fun wrap around service where busy parents can drop off their children safe in the knowledge that they will be starting the day off with a nutritious breakfast and be fully prepared for the school day ahead.

Free play activities, such as board games, small world, construction, jigsaws are on offer to the children following breakfast and they can enjoy these in a relaxed atmosphere until they are escorted by All Sorts staff to their classrooms to ensure safe arrival.




Afterschool Club offers a fun wrap around service at the end of the school day. Children are collected from their individual classrooms by All Sorts staff at 3.15pm. Upon arrival to the afterschool club area children are offered a healthy snack. Children can then self-select from a varied programme of structured and unstructured activities; cooking, sport, games, outdoor play, role play, arts and crafts, construction, board games and much more are offered to ensure the children have a wide andvaried range of activities to choose from.

Our staff will offer support and guidance with any homework and children have access to a quiet area with resources and equipment to facilitate this.

“Staff provide a very broad range of interesting and rich experiences to promote children’s learning across the seven areas.“”

Ofsted February 2015